Invite us in your event


For organisers of milongas, festivals and marathons

In this section, organisers have access to:
– our presentation, including texts to share in events to introduce us as a couple and Duddie as a DJ;
– titles and descriptions of our most popular seminars and workshops, including the Tangology project;
pictures to download for flyers and/or social media.

Read more about our  WorkshopsSeminarsTechnique classesShowDJ Set

About Us

David Duddie Mancini & Salomé Fromonteil

The reunion of the French and Italian styles: elegance, musicality, symbiosis and a wide range of flavours! They like to play on contrasts, switch energies together and use their movements to draw the music. Their dance takes you on an emotional journey through old funny songs all the way to rhythm, without forgetting the drama!

We started dancing together in the beginning of 2022, and have been spreading our ideas since then. Our workshops are having more and more success in the local and international scenes, even so that the famous TangoDanza magazine dedicated to us a huge article last summer, naming us “the revelation of the year”.

At the same time, we performed and taught across Europe, in events of international reputation, such as the Pippo & Friends Marathon in Berlin, and with live music from the Hyperion Orquestra in the Conexion Festival in Munich. It’s in Singapore, in July 2022 that we presented for the first time in a seminar our revolutionary Tangology game. Tangology is the first role game created for tango dancers and it’s the main idea which permeates our tango, our pedagogy and our performances.

We upload our upcoming events as soon as we receive the flyers

When you invite us in your event, you can choose what fits you best among the following options

“Tangology” seminars
Thematic Workshops
Technique classes

share our emotions
during the shows

@ Nou Tango, Pippo & Friends, Berlin. Video: 030Tango. Photo: Petar Pavlov


Texts to copy and share…

Duddie & Salomé

The reunion of the French and Italian styles: elegance, musicality, symbiosis and a wide range of flavours! They like to play on contrasts, switch energies, and use their movements to draw the music. Their dance takes you on an emotional journey through old funny songs all the way to rhythm, without forgetting the drama!

DJ Duddie

Leading the mood of hundreds of people moving a single finger. It seems the tango dj has a great responsibility, as his choices can determine the success of an event or its partial failure.

The Musicalizador leads the emotions of the milonga, dances with his crowd and determines the flow and the mood in the dance floor.

“I like all the traditional orquestras, the selection I play is determined by many visible and invisible factors like the level of energy and experience in the milonga, the time of the day and the context in which I play my set. Each session is different from the others and each tanda is like a precious stone that plays its role in a bigger vision.”

Our selection of seminars and workshops

On the left: our Singapore students. On the right: Photo: Susanne Mülhaus for TangoDanza

We can offer a variety of workshops and seminars. 

Below are the ones we offer to give during events where we are invited.

Click on the titles below and choose which ones fit your community best, considering criteria like duration, levels and approach  (more creative or more rational and academic), and use the descriptions in your communications and advertisements.

Photo: @ Singapore Tango  Marathon


Petar Pavlov @ Pippo & Friends, Berlin

Our exclusive seminar

The first card game for tango dancers

This is a one of a kind experience!

Tangology is the role game developed in the last 4 years in order to explore the dark spots of our tango interpretation. This seminar is designed to bring to light elements like emotions, instincts and awareness. Participants will be guided into a highly entertaining experience that provides new perspectives on improvisation, creativity and interpretation. Let’s forget all we know about tango classes. Jump with us into this 3 hours experience where we will lead you in this very unique exploration.

“El Seminario Tangology se desarrolla como un juego de rol Tanguero.

Los maestros usan cartas con dibujos y textos, que describen la consigna por los participantes…. carta después de carta se aprende jugando como bailarines actores, explorando aspectos fundamentales del baile como interpretación musical, comunicación y presencia.”

Embrace – Finding the philosopher’s stone
Motionless communication and change of dynamics

Photo: Thomas Lackner @ CONEXION Tango Festival

Ideal duration: 90-120 min

Level: all levels

Like verbal communication also the dance needs to go through constant changes. The challenge of the dancers is to recognize the main patterns in each phrase and surf the instruments that lead those phrases. From slow to fast, legato to staccato, linear to circular, the music inspires our movements and dances through us. How to improve our skills in this direction? How can we lead and follow those changes with no delay between mind and legs, between the moment of the lead and the follower’s reaction? The answers to these questions and many more in this workshop.

Everything You Need to Know About Boleos

Photo: Petar Pavlov @ Pippo & Friends, Berlin

Ideal duration: 90-120 min

Level: Intermediate – Advanced

This intense workshop or seminar offers a complete exploration of the topic.

How both bodies interact, how cause and effect happen to compenetrate each other. Both leaders and followers will be led through a technique session in the first part of the experience where they will improve the aesthetics and the efficiency of the movement, then they will be ready to lead and follow all the boleos offered in the second part of the experience. Various linear and circular boleos will be presented.

Dancing the pauses like the silent Ninja

Photo: Reiner Akermann @ Basel Oster Tango

Ideal duration: 90 min

Level: Advanced

A beginner dances on the rhythm, an intermediate dances on the melody, an advanced dances on the emotion… Carlos Gavito danced on the pauses!

Pauses are needed to find ourselves and our partner, prepare for what is coming, reconnect to our body and our emotions, live in the ‘here and now’. It is the moment when we stop being dominated by the music.

This workshop is dedicated to those dancers who want to explore the pause. It opens new keys for musical interpretation.

: quality over quantity

Photo: Petar Pavlov @ Pippo & Friends, Berlin

Ideal duration: 90-120 min

Level: All levels

This musicality workshop offers a complete exploration of movement quality. What are the differences between moving during the legato of a violin or the staccato of a piano? Each instrument is unique in nature and this is why our same step can assume different colors and characteristics when interpreting various instruments. Orquestras have peculiar connotations that makes the Tango landscape vast and colorful, and by joining this workshop any participant finds the precious opportunity to add depth to their dance, to give personality and awareness to their interpretation. And be an inspiration for the rest of the milonga.

The Math Of

Photo: Thomas Lackner @ CONEXION Tango Festival

Ideal duration: 90 min

Level: Advanced

This is a very technical and intense workshop that offers a wide and complete view on this specific topic. We analyze angles, timing and complex dynamics between the two bodies in movement.

72 different sacadas exist… We will discover how this number is true and we will explore a dozen of them.

The Hypnotic Octopus: Sacadas, Ganchos & More

Ideal duration: 90 min

Level: Advanced

We explore the interactions between the leaders’ and the followers’ legs, finding many combinations like sacadas, ganchos, and barridas. We’ll focus on preparing the movement and how to be clear in leading and following the three different options. This intuitive workshop is meant to open new doors to creativity and alternatives for musical interpretation.

Free leg – Riding the water serpent.
for leaders and followers

Photo: MH A Production @ Singapore TM

Ideal duration: 90 min

Level: Intermediate – Advanced

This workshop explores the mechanic of the free leg. How both leaders and followers can improve their musicality and quality of movement when the standing leg is stable. After a technique session we offer some combinations for both leaders and followers where we focus on the fluidity of the movement and include adornments, sacadas and boleos. 

Delirious Moth: Turns in Vals

Photo: Pier Perini @ Prague Tango Marathon

Ideal duration: 90 min

Level: Intermediate – Advanced

Fue como un loco volar de falena con giros y vueltas en torno al fanal

“It was like a crazy flight of the moth, with turns and pirouettes around the light”

We explore circular dynamics and fluidity offering some combinations with sacadas in both directions. the goal is to explore musicality in the 3/4 rhythm of the vals and increase confidence in our ability to turn forever, increase circularity in our dance in general.

Followers’ Technique

Ideal duration: 60-90 min

Level: All levels

Tango is for many the expression of beauty and sensuality. How to achieve independence and control of our axis, deep connection with our leader, and maximize the beauty of our movement? And how can we do all of it preserving an effortless and natural look while we dance?

These are the main topics of our technique exploration. For ladies and followers in general


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Other pictures coming soon…

In the words of students and organisers…

What others had to say about their experiences in collaborating with us, watching our shows, taking classes, participating in our workshops etc…