
Want to improve your tango? Learn with us!
Find out which option works best for you.

Private lessons

Regular group classes

Special workshops

Photo: Petar Pavlov @ Pippo & Friends, Berlin

Our philosophy

What is Tango?

We have learned Tango is a shortcut to our essence. Tango is a therapy, an addiction, a lifestyle and for some people it is the representation of sensuality. The expression of elegance and beauty of two bodies in movement. Whatever meaning you give to Tango, we are sure you will enjoy your trip. Whatever reason led you to start Tango, if you keep on dancing, you will soon discover how tango is so much more than just a dance…

Still curious about us?

Read more in the TangoDanza article about us (Issue 3, 2022, Nr 91)

Our focus in Tango

Tango is a complex world. Some of the components of Tango matter the most to us: they guide our path, inspire how we dance and infuse the way we teach.


Connection is the most distinctive and intense feeling in dancing tango. Each individual has a unique body and energy, therefore each embrace and connection is unique. We aim at guiding and inspiring students in their research to discover their own perfect embrace.

When we dance, our ultimate goal is to be able to leave our partner with a good memory of the moment we shared. This is why we find it important to learn how to communicate attention, dedication and trust in our embrace.


Through our experience as social dancers, we have become aware of the patterns and the structures of the music we dance on, which allows us to improvise freely on it. Music has always been an important part of both our lives, for that reason, we constantly work on expanding our ways of feeling and expressing the music. We found out that there are so many options, either towards the inside or the outside of the couple. Most importantly, we are inspired by what Chicho says: the movements should not go ‘on’ or ‘in’ the music, but rather, it is the music that flows through the body and brings out the movement.


There is a perfectly organic way of doing any movement. We believe that for the sake of control and aesthetics of the body in motion, proper technique, posture and axis is fundamental. Developing the awareness of the body and understanding motion as an organic flow helps everyone to feel more confident and in control of each step one takes. A precise analysis of the movements definitely helps to act and react properly on the dancefloor, as well as provide comfort for ourselves and our partner, to be able to dance for hours without stopping!

Both your axis and your karma are your responsibility, you don’t want to put the weight of it on someone else. 

– Graciela González


Among all the different styles of Tango, we can say that our background and fundamental technique is definitely traditional, however our dancing experience is much wider than the one represented by the old paradigm. We feel like representing an evolution of the old styles by assembling ‘old school’ elements and dynamics with new ones coming from the modern marathon style.

Some of the elements and figures we have extensively worked on are circular dynamics and boleos. We always experiment with new combinations and look for secrets, innovative techniques and fun ways to play with the music.

Still wondering if our way of teaching matches you?

Find out what our students have to say about our classes and the way we teach

Regular group classes

Exclusive, extensive, exceptional experience! 

At the moment, the regular group classes are in the form of a programme of 12 weeks.

We wanted to upgrade the concept of the classes and start a new season where we can dedicate to each student the time and attention necessary, give more personalised feedback and most importantly, allow our students to improve in a substantial way.

We offer a 24-hour course during 12 weeks for maximum 10 couples and we garantee improvement!


The first edition started in mid-February and was very quickly fully booked. In February 2024, we will start the third edition. If you’d like to join, get added to our WhatsApp group to receive all our latest news and register on time:

Photo: Petar Pavlov @ Nou, Berlin / Pippo & Friends

Level up!

Special Workshops

We give some very special opportunities during the year to our students.

Some are densely-packed 90 minutes workshops where we push your limits on a specific topic, offer theoretical and practical knowledge about the subject, and lead you towards the discovery of new forms of expression.

Full immersion weekends

This type of special event is made of 3-6 workshops in a weekend. The idea is to go deep into a topic or a new perspective. We explore technique in all its details, for leaders and followers, give tips on how to improve balance, aesthetics and awareness. Then, in couples, we develop dynamics and movements, starting simple to feel the embrace, implement the technique we learnt earlier, and gradually increase the level of complexity to give interesting ideas to dancers of all levels.

Photo: Petar Pavlov @ Nou, Berlin / Pippo & Friends

Photo: Petar Pavlov @ Nou, Berlin / Pippo & Friends

Evolve your tango

Private Lessons

What to expect

Most of our students choose to go through a private program with us. We always personalise your private program depending on your wishes and your needs.

We give time and dedication to go deep into the details of the dance, in order to perfect the quality of the movements and inspire you to express the music in all its emotions while you dance.


You will gradually feel that you are gaining control upon your movements, your creativity shouts new possibilities, and your partners do notice it! In this intense study you’ll face your limits, become more aware of your body and your partner. A student of us once said that it is like an alchemic work dressed up with Tango moves.

We’ll be able to expand your horizons and anchor your confidence in how you dance and behave on and off the dancefloor.

Your appointment

Contact us and find the best options when it comes to the day and the time. The classes are given in Candidplatz, we’ll communicate the exact address in time for the appointment.

We speak English, German, Italian, French, and Spanish.

1 hour: 100€

10 hours: 900€

You can come alone or as a couple, the price is the same.

Need more info?

In our students’ words

Picture credits: Pippo & Friends / Photo: Petar Pavlov